
歷 期 單 元
no.880 搞定辦公室英文Calling the Toronto office.
no.879 搞定接待英文Introducing the KTV Culture.
no.878 搞定辦公室英文First, the Good News.
no.877 搞定接待英文Written Language.
no.876 搞定辦公室英文Could You Do Me a Favor?
no.875 搞定接待英文A Prayer.
no.874 搞定辦公室英文At the Training Seminar.
no.873 搞定接待英文Continuing the Tour.
no.872 搞定辦公室英文Chatting at the Water Cooler.
no.871 搞定接待英文At the Table.
no.870 搞定辦公室英文The Project Meeting.
no.869 搞定接待英文Hitting the Note.
no.868 搞定辦公室英文Scheduling an Important Meeting.
no.867 搞定接待英文The Collection and Artifacts.
no.866 搞定接待英文Spa Services.
no.865 搞定接待英文Talking About Food and its Enjoyment.
no.864 多角字彙術I'm going to be a father.
no.863 搞定接待英文The Teahouse.
no.862 多角字彙術I could still come visit you.
no.861 搞定接待英文Re-introducing People Who Have Already Met.
no.860 多角字彙術Any other options?
no.859 搞定接待英文In the taxi.
no.858 多角字彙術I need you to fill out this form.
no.857 搞定接待英文Recapping the Trip.
no.856 多角字彙術Do you have any samples I can take?
no.855 搞定接待英文Ordering the Drinks.
no.854 多角字彙術Now let's talk about the details.
no.853 搞定接待英文Talking Golf.
no.852 多角字彙術I saw my old college roommate, Ronda Wiley.
no.851 搞定接待英文Spoken Language.
no.850 多角字彙術A woman wants to send a package to Australia.
no.849 搞定接待英文Sizing Up Some Threads.
no.848 多角字彙術It's my pleasure.
no.847 搞定接待英文A Company Dinner.
no.846 多角字彙術How long is the trip?
no.845 搞定接待英文Introducing People for the First Time.
no.844 多角字彙術The stadium's almost full today.
no.843 搞定接待英文Saying Goodbye at the Hotel.
no.842 多角字彙術It's not challenging anymore.
no.841 搞定接待英文A Fond Farewell.
no.840 多角字彙術I think I know what's coming.
no.839 搞定接待英文The Museum.
no.838 多角字彙術Yes, it's one of my favorite restaurants.
no.837 搞定接待英文Going to the Bar.
no.836 多角字彙術But I'm kind of lost.
no.835 搞定接待英文Hot Springs.
no.834 多角字彙術How may I help you?
no.833 搞定接待英文Playing the Game.
no.832 多角字彙術Is this your first time visiting Dallas?
no.831 搞定接待英文A Temple History.

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