
歷 期 單 元
no.730 單字進化術我有個好 suggestion。
no.729 口說小俚語Is it that obvious?
no.728 單字進化術合適的市場 strategy。
no.727 口說小俚語See how that guy is walking funny?
no.726 單字進化術我們正在應徵 staff。
no.725 口說小俚語Maybe not.
no.724 單字進化術可以告訴我 solution 嗎?!
no.723 口說小俚語I'd like to meet a guy who's got the real stuff.
no.722 單字進化術你需要學會新 skills!
no.721 口說小俚語I would have never known.
no.720 口說小俚語只親嘴,不出軌,Let the good times roll.
no.719 口說小俚語怎麼樣?Try me!
no.718 單字進化術有趣的 situation 發生了!
no.717 口說小俚語Geez, Sam, you're breaking my heart here.
no.716 單字進化術優良的 service 品質。
no.715 口說小俚語Thinking about him, I couldn't concentrate.
no.714 單字進化術這個月的 sale 突飛猛進!
no.713 口說小俚語Did I say that men don't suck? No---I did not.
no.712 單字進化術現今社會的 salary 水平?
no.711 口說小俚語But, to be honest, ....
no.710 單字進化術如何避開 risk?
no.709 口說小俚語Who's going to be the Christian Louboutin of Taiwan?
no.708 單字進化術We can achieve better returns.
no.707 口說小俚語Ooo, la, la! 快說來聽聽!
no.706 單字進化術推出新產品前的 research。
no.705 口說小俚語Jesus---I'm sorry. I didn't know.
no.704 單字進化術一份完整的 report。
no.703 口說小俚語There's nothing to do out there but ......
no.702 單字進化術適當提出誠懇的 recommendation。
no.701 口說小俚語He did not say that.
no.700 單字進化術你打算怎麼因應這個 question?
no.699 口說小俚語Let me draw your attention, if I may, to ......
no.698 單字進化術這是個好 question!
no.697 口說小俚語The thing was,............
no.696 單字進化術令人振奮的美好 prospects。
no.695 口說小俚語what is her problem?!
no.694 單字進化術一場出色的 presentation !
no.693 口說小俚語唉!Why is it that ……
no.692 單字進化術我的 order 現在在哪裡?
no.691 口說小俚語Hey!None of that.
no.690 單字進化術請給我最低的 offer。
no.689 口說小俚語Then what?
no.688 單字進化術這是個完美的 proposal!
no.687 口說小俚語Nothing too aggressive.
no.686 單字進化術Program 設計師的重要!
no.685 口說小俚語There's no reason to get nasty.
no.684 口說小俚語要進立院,除非 Over my dead body!
no.683 口說小俚語If I show a little leg......
no.682 單字進化術新 product 的促銷手法?
no.681 口說小俚語When you think about it like that......

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