歷 期 單 元
no.1000 商用英文口語I’m afraid I have to go. I don’t want to miss my train.(我要走了,否則我會趕不上火車。)
no.999 英文面試勝經What qualities do you look for in a boss?(你心目中的老闆特質為何?)
no.998 商用英文口語Thank you for your offer. But I’m sorry, I won’t be able to join you.(謝謝您的邀約。但不好意思,我有事沒辦法參加。)
no.997 英文面試勝經What are you passionate about?(你對什麼事有熱情?)
no.996 商用英文口語We were wondering if you’d like to come to our place for dinner tomorrow.(明天要不要到我們家吃個晚餐?)
no.995 英文面試勝經What motivates you to do your best on the job?(什麼誘因會讓你在工作上全力以赴?)
no.994 商用英文口語You look a little pale. Are you all right?(你臉色不太好。你還好嗎?)
no.993 英文面試勝經Are you willing to travel? / Are you willing to relocate?(你是否願意出差?/你是否願意被調派到其他地區?)
no.992 商用英文口語What should I see while I’m in the US?(美國哪裡好玩?)
no.991 英文面試勝經What have you learned from your mistakes?(你從所犯的錯誤學到什麼?)
no.990 商用英文口語I’m not much of a football fan. I’m more into baseball.(我對足球不是很有興趣,我比較喜歡棒球。)
no.989 英文面試勝經Describe a mistake you made before and how you overcame it.(請描述你曾犯過的一個錯誤和你如何化解它。)
no.988 商用英文口語If you have some free time, I’d be happy to show you around.(若您有空,我可以帶您四處逛逛。)
no.987 英文面試勝經What are your hobbies and interests?(你的興趣和喜好為何?)
no.986 商用英文口語How often do you travel on business?(你多久出差一次?)
no.985 英文面試勝經What is your work style?(你的工作風格為何?)
no.984 商用英文口語That dress looks really good on you.(妳穿這套洋裝真好看!)
no.983 英文面試勝經How many foreign languages can you speak?(你會講幾種外語?)
no.982 商用英文口語It’s absolutely boiling out there.(今天天氣好熱啊!)
no.981 英文面試勝經How do you work under pressure? / How do you handle stress?(你如何在有壓力的環境下工作?/你的抗壓性如何?)
no.980 商用英文口語Here’s my card. Give me a call if you have any questions.(這是我的名片,有需要的話請跟我聯絡。)
no.979 英文面試勝經What are your strongest skills?(你最擅長的技能是什麼?)
no.978 商用英文口語I work as a software consultant.(我的工作是軟體顧問。)
no.977 英文面試勝經What are your strengths and weaknesses?(你的長處與弱點為何?)
no.976 商用英文口語I don’t think we’ve met. You must be Hannah. I’m Jack.(初次見面。妳就是漢娜吧?我是傑克。)
no.975 英文面試勝經Tell me more about yourself. / Please introduce yourself.(請介紹一下自己。)
no.974 搞定行銷英文Discussing Internet Advertising.(討論網路廣告。)
no.973 搞定出差英文Discussing the Partnership Details.(討論合夥的細節。)
no.972 搞定行銷英文After the Brainstorming Meeting.(腦力激盪會議後。)
no.971 搞定出差英文A Terrible Day.(悲慘的一天。)
no.970 搞定行銷英文Finding the Right Branding Strategy II.(尋找適當的品牌策略II。)
no.969 搞定出差英文Shopping in London.(在倫敦購物。)
no.968 搞定行銷英文Preliminary Discussion.(初步討論。)
no.967 搞定出差英文Asking for Service.(要求提供服務。)
no.966 搞定行銷英文Finding the Right Branding Strategy.(尋找適當的品牌策略。)

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