歷 期 單 元
no.965 搞定出差英文Renting a Car.(租車。)
no.964 搞定行銷英文The Sales Team’s Discussion.(業務團隊的討論。)
no.963 搞定出差英文Arriving at the Destination.(抵達目的地。)
no.962 搞定行銷英文Conducting a SWOT Analysis.(展開SWOT分析。)
no.961 搞定出差英文Applying for the Visa.(申辦簽證。)
no.960 搞定行銷英文The Results Are In.(結果揭曉。)
no.959 搞定出差英文Booking for the Convention II.(為大會做預約II。)
no.958 搞定行銷英文Assume Nothing.(流於空談。)
no.957 搞定出差英文Setting up a Meeting.(籌劃會議。)
no.956 搞定行銷英文Talking About Competition.(談論競爭態勢。)
no.955 搞定出差英文Deciding on a Good Location II.(決定一個好地點II。)
no.954 搞定行銷英文New Product Meeting II.(新產品會議II。)
no.953 搞定出差英文The Negotiation Begins.(開始協商。)
no.952 搞定行銷英文Retreat to Reflect on the Year I.(召開年度檢討會議 I。)
no.951 搞定出差英文The Presentation Continues.(繼續報告。)
no.950 搞定行銷英文Discussing Sales Promotion Ideas.(討論促銷想法。)
no.949 搞定出差英文Going to a Roundtable Discussion.(參加圓桌討論會。)
no.948 搞定行銷英文Negotiating a Contract.(談判合約。)
no.947 搞定出差英文Making a Proposal.(提出企劃案。)
no.946 搞定行銷英文Making a Sales Presentation Ⅰ.(提出銷售簡報 Ⅰ)
no.945 搞定出差英文An “Exceptional” Introduction.(一場「非凡的」公司介紹。)
no.944 搞定行銷英文Taking a Closer Look at Sales Channels.(深入觀察銷售通路。)
no.943 搞定出差英文Going to the Trade Show.(參觀商展。)
no.942 搞定行銷英文Developing a Larger Ad Campaign.(研擬更大規模的廣告宣傳。)
no.941 搞定出差英文Telephone Tag.(打數通電話互相都找不到人。)
no.940 搞定行銷英文Discussing the Media Strategy.(討論媒體策略。)
no.939 搞定出差英文Renting an Apartment or House.(租公寓或房子。)
no.938 搞定行銷英文Developing the TV Commercial.(擬訂電視廣告片。)
no.937 搞定出差英文Shopping in London.(在倫敦購物。)
no.936 搞定行銷英文The Brainstorming Meeting.(腦力激盪會議。)
no.935 搞定出差英文Checking In.(辦理入住登記。)
no.934 搞定行銷英文Talking About Types of Ads.(談論廣告類型。)
no.933 搞定出差英文Taking a Taxi to the Hotel.(搭計程車到飯店。)
no.932 搞定行銷英文The Marketing Team's Discussion.(行銷團隊的討論。)
no.931 搞定出差英文Setting off for the Trip.(啟程出發。)
no.930 搞定行銷英文The Planning Process.(規劃流程。)
no.929 搞定出差英文Calling the Travel Agent.(致電旅行社。)
no.928 搞定行銷英文Making a Good Start:Doing Market Research.(好的開始:進行市場研究)
no.927 搞定出差英文Booking for the Convention.(為大會做預約。)
no.926 搞定行銷英文Assume the Position.(思考定位。)
no.925 搞定出差英文Arranging a Meeting.(安排會面。)
no.924 搞定行銷英文The Competition Is in Your Pocket(競爭就在口袋裡)
no.923 搞定出差英文Deciding on a Good Location.(決定一個好地點。)
no.922 搞定行銷英文New Product Meeting.(新產品會議。)

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